Thursday, April 26, 2012

You Do Not Know

"You Do Not Know"

I know you do not know me;
You probably never will.
I'm the voice you hear around you
That tells you not to kill.

I know you do not know me;
But will you even try?
I'm the soul that is inside you
That shows you how to cry.

I know you do not know me;
But do you know my rival?
He hates and tries to kill you,
He threatens your survival.

I know you do not know me;
But do you wish you did?
I could have helped to calm you,
When you got scared and hid.

I know you do not know me;
I know you do not care.
But, oh, I wish you did!
There's do much I want to share.

I know you do not know me,
But long ago you did.
I sent my child to fight for you
And on a cross He bled.

I know you do not know me;
You haven't even tried.
You turned my servants from your home.
For years and years I've cried.

I know you do not know me.
Now you are old and gray.
Will you listen to me now?
Will you hear now what I say?

"Behold, this is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Hear HIM."

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