Thursday, April 26, 2012

Who Knew

Who Knew

Who knew that this life
Would have me looking
Over my shoulder,
Running away from myself?

The fear that around
Some unseen corner
Someone would come at me,
To take away my pride.

Hiding in the shadows,
Waiting to run away.
Waiting for them to leave.
Who knew one could be so scared?

Who could have told me
Not to look back,
Keep looking forward,
They won’t come if you do?

Instead, I look behind me.
They’re coming faster.
I run. They’re everywhere.
They won’t go away.

Who knew that some day
My memories would damn me
To the bitter unknown;
That I would be in hell?

Who knew that someday,
I would find myself
Teetering on the edge,
Fighting against my mind.

Depression. Who knew that
Such a thing could cause such
Turmoil and disdain for life.
That it could turn love to hate.

It became my undoing.
It severed my ties with reality.
Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
Is it really all worth it?

They’re coming again,
Needles and pills in their hands.
They say they’ll make the demons go away.
They say that the insanity will stop.

Who knew that in the end,
Those needles and pills would
Do more harm than they would good?
The doctors were wrong.

Medicated for years.
Doctors telling an eight year old girl
That she needs to be hospitalized
Because she is so depressed she’s not safe.

After ten years of hell,
Damn them all.

Who knew?
Apparently, they didn’t.

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