Thursday, April 26, 2012


You all have probably noticed that my blog has now been blown up by copious amounts of poetry. I am in a Creative Writing class and most of these are what I've done as homework. The only one that is not a homework assignment is "You Do Not Know", which I did back when I was a Junior in High School. 

I hope you all enjoy the poetry!

You Do Not Know

"You Do Not Know"

I know you do not know me;
You probably never will.
I'm the voice you hear around you
That tells you not to kill.

I know you do not know me;
But will you even try?
I'm the soul that is inside you
That shows you how to cry.

I know you do not know me;
But do you know my rival?
He hates and tries to kill you,
He threatens your survival.

I know you do not know me;
But do you wish you did?
I could have helped to calm you,
When you got scared and hid.

I know you do not know me;
I know you do not care.
But, oh, I wish you did!
There's do much I want to share.

I know you do not know me,
But long ago you did.
I sent my child to fight for you
And on a cross He bled.

I know you do not know me;
You haven't even tried.
You turned my servants from your home.
For years and years I've cried.

I know you do not know me.
Now you are old and gray.
Will you listen to me now?
Will you hear now what I say?

"Behold, this is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Hear HIM."


A very small family, just mother and son.
Our hair is brushed and our Sunday best on.
“Get ready to smile, on the count of three.”
Our first family photo, my baby and me.

The family is growing, and I’m all in white.
My groom by the bishop, I smile at the sight.
I walk towards the altar, my loved ones all stand.
 “Please take each other by the right hand.”

Pictures are snapped, congrats all around.
To the man that I love, I’m eternally bound.
We pick up the baby; we stand side by side,
we’re now prepared for one heck of a ride.

Suitcases are packed and ready to go.
As we say our goodbyes, it starts to snow.
“Families with children please board the plane.”
So much left behind, so much more still to gain.

 A bigger family now, a girl and two boys,
learning to share their games and their toys.
Laughing and learning, together they play.
Watching them grow with each passing day.

A new family photo, in white and in red,
all happy and smiling. With that being said,
we all are still growing, into what is untold.
The end of our stories, we have yet to unfold

Who Knew

Who Knew

Who knew that this life
Would have me looking
Over my shoulder,
Running away from myself?

The fear that around
Some unseen corner
Someone would come at me,
To take away my pride.

Hiding in the shadows,
Waiting to run away.
Waiting for them to leave.
Who knew one could be so scared?

Who could have told me
Not to look back,
Keep looking forward,
They won’t come if you do?

Instead, I look behind me.
They’re coming faster.
I run. They’re everywhere.
They won’t go away.

Who knew that some day
My memories would damn me
To the bitter unknown;
That I would be in hell?

Who knew that someday,
I would find myself
Teetering on the edge,
Fighting against my mind.

Depression. Who knew that
Such a thing could cause such
Turmoil and disdain for life.
That it could turn love to hate.

It became my undoing.
It severed my ties with reality.
Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
Is it really all worth it?

They’re coming again,
Needles and pills in their hands.
They say they’ll make the demons go away.
They say that the insanity will stop.

Who knew that in the end,
Those needles and pills would
Do more harm than they would good?
The doctors were wrong.

Medicated for years.
Doctors telling an eight year old girl
That she needs to be hospitalized
Because she is so depressed she’s not safe.

After ten years of hell,
Damn them all.

Who knew?
Apparently, they didn’t.

Ode to the Prisoner

Ode to the Prison Inmate

in a cold lonely cell,
this person
from the outside
a criminal,
but also,
as fellow inmates listen,

strength and endurance,
faith and
hope this woman
as the outside
world judges
as she suffers stoically,

Only she
could understand the hell,
the misery
of living inside
of her mind.
Only she
can find the inner strength
to overcome
what normally would
destroy another human
And only she
has the key to her
emotional freedom from
this hell.

see a woman with disabilities,
autism, depression, anxiety,
but no one
sees the battle
that goes on
while she fights those
alone in her cell
with her
bible and
her rosary as her only

from her family,
cheering her on while she
makes this
journey alone.
While she battles
the common man
so that
can gain her freedom once

Only she
knows what it will take
to gain
the wisdom
and the integrity
that she needs to pull through.
She will fight
to be free,
for the sake of the
child that is growing inside this hell
with her.

She will strive
She will win.
She is strong, and she has hope.
She will not
let the
common man
define the
woman that she truly is.
She will prove the world wrong as she

Freedom will
ring as she walks away
from that
cold hell
that was her home for so long.
The sun in her eyes,
the baby in her belly,

She is free.
She has won.
She was



A silver pocket watch
with the figure of a deer ,
coated in gold.
The clock stopped ticking
many years ago.

The ticking stopped,
Just like the heart
of a gentle old man,
who lived a remarkable life,
to the very end.

The legacy he left,
much like his old watch,
is timeless.
The love he gave to all he met,

The world stood still
when this sweet man passed.
So many left
with the memory of his kindness
deep in our hearts.

Though frail and old,
he never stopped smiling.
Even in death,
he had a gentle smile on his face,
grateful to go.

Grateful to be
with his beloved Mary,
who had passed,
years before him, a timeless vision
of radiance.

He is always missed,
even after all of these years.
But, like his silver watch,
with the golden deer in the woods,
the thoughts of him are timeless.

Visiting LifeStart

While we were in Utah for Christmas, we went to where Bonnie used to live to visit the Staff and some of her old friends. 

We saw Bonnie's good friend, Lisa Stephenson 

And we saw Debra

                                                                      And Karen

Monday, April 16, 2012

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

Christmas time with Grandpa and Grandma Bauer was a blast. We had fun decorating and cleaning and making candies for the big Christmas Eve Party that we have every year. 

Carsten's favorite thing to do when we visit Grandpa is to share a can of olives with him. And he loves showing Mommy the olives before they go into his mouth. 
He also loves to put olives in Grandpa's mouth. "Here, Papa! Olive? Nummy! Nummy olive!"
Carsten loves to spend time with his cousin, Ashton. Ashton is exactly 9 months, to the day, older than Carsten. 

Ashton gave Carsten a present for Christmas. Should we see what it is?

I think Carsten was more interested in the box, at the time, but he sure loves his new Fire Engine pajamas!

Brian, I still can see yoooou!!!! You cannot hide behind the lamp, no matter how hard you try! 

People started to arrive and then the real fun began. In this picture, coming in the door is Uncle Brian Terry, Aunt Bonnie Terry, Shannon Terry Bludworth, her daughter, Kennedy Bludworth and Kennedy's friend, whose name escapes me at the moment. Go scatterbrained me!
Grandma Bauer is so excited to have everyone together for Christmas! The family is finally complete, now that Justin and Bonnie are married. 
Carsten loves interacting with his cousins. He's telling Elijah Bludworth all about his sister, Mikaela and his brother, Skyler, and all about his new home in Arizona.
The youngest cousins had a fun time playing with a puzzle together in front of the fireplace while we waited for everyone to get there so we could get the party started. 
We got to meet the newest member of our family, Henry Topham. (Although, he wasn't really new. He was about a year old in this picture.) He was very shy. But he was a sweet little cutie. He is the son of Katie and Scott Topham. Scott is the son of Bonnie's Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Dave. 
Dun dun dun dun!!! Annie and Neil are visiting from rainy Seattle, Washington with their boys, Isaac and Boston. Neil used to play all kinds of jokes on Bonnie growing up, like hiding in her closet doing the Jumanji drums on her closet door while shining a flashlight underneath. They still get a good chuckle out of that. 
Everybody seems to be tinkering with something. Ah, the day of technology. 
Every family gathering has to have at least one picture of Scott taking a picture of someone taking a picture....did that even make sense?
Daddy is helping Carsten to sing Jingle Bells. Carsten just wanted to shake the bells the whole time. 
Neil. Enough said. LOL. 
Opening presents with Carsten was so fun. This year, he actually knew what he needed to do in order to get to the stuff inside. 
Mommy and Daddy even got presents. And Carsten was being so helpful by handing them out. 
Daddy got a cool game called Mille Bornes, which is one that he really likes. 
The wonderful thing about our time together is that Justin is always making sure to let Bonnie know he loves her, even if it's simply holding her hand.
Carsten's favorite part of Christmas day was playing in the cool tunnels that Grandma and Grandpa gave him. 

A peaceful family tradition. A fire in the fire place every Christmas. Brought to you by the men of the family.

Our Christmas trip to Utah

Our trip to Utah was cooold. The heater in our car didn't work, so we made sure to drive the majority of it during the day. 

 Leaving Arizona.
 Hoover Dam! Getting closer
 My first semi-upclose glimpse at Hoover Dam on our way to Utah. 
 My darling husband putting on a cheesy smile for me. I love his smile. I love this man period!
 My sweet Carsten playing with what I think are napkins. LOL. Who knows? He was so smiley and happy for the entire trip. He didn't even fuss once. 13 hour car ride with a happy toddler? YES PLEASE!
 WOOHOO!!!!! We're getting closer and closer!
As we were leaving Nevada, we heard Carsten hit himself and when I turned around, he was looking at his hand, scowling, and said, "Ow! Don't hit!!" We started cracking up laughing, because we've been trying to teach him not to hit. 
 Yeah baby! That's what we like to see. We're getting sooo close that I can smell it. 

What a beautiful site!!!!

We arrived safely in Utah, and a wonderful Christmas adventure began.

Christmas Time with the Mattix Family

Christmas time was a very joyful event. The children performed in a Primary Christmas play about the birth of the Savior, and after the play, we had a surprise visitor! Santa came to visit the kids of the ward.

                                           Skyler visiting Santa, telling him what he wanted for Christmas
Mikaela told Santa that she wanted a puppy at Daddy's and Momma Bo's for Christmas
 Carsten wasn't quite sure what to think of Santa, but at least he got a candy cane!
 We had the awesome experience of meeting Great Grandpa Mattix, whom Justin hasn't seen since he was 6. We got a 4 generation picture. I tried to get Skyler to smile, but, alas, I failed miserably.
 In this picture, back to front: K. Justin F Mattix, Keith A. Mattix, Skyler T. Mattix, Bill Mattix, and Carsten C. P. Bauer Mattix. It was an awesome reunion. 
 We also got the awesome experience to meet Great Grandma Madsen. Carsten especially enjoyed playing with her and showing her the Temple lights outside her house, and the toys that she had at her house. In this picture left to right: Skyler T. Mattix, Great Grandma Madsen, Mikaela R. Mattix and Carsten C. P. Bauer Mattix
 Justin and I also got a picture with her. 
 We went to the Mesa Temple to see the Temple lights and the Nativity that they had set up on the Temple grounds. It was beautiful. But Christmas time just isn't quite the same without the snow of Utah. 
 After we saw the Temple lights, we had the opportunity to spend some time with Justin's best friend and adopted brother, Brad Matteson and his sons. We all had a blast playing Angry Birds and RockBand. 
 Christmas time in Arizona: 65° and overcast. Only a hoodie was needed to play soccer at the park. 
 We didn't have a normal Christmas tree. Instead we did a Thankful Tree. Each person drew pictures of  things that they are thankful for.
 Then Daddy taped them up on the wall in the corner in the shape of a tree. At the top where a star would usually be, we put a blank piece of paper with a question mark on it. We told the kids that when they woke up the next morning, there would be something special at the top of the tree. 
 When the children woke up, there was a picture of Jesus at the top of the tree, so that the kids would remember that CHRISTmas is NOT about Santa of presents, but about Jesus.
 Carsten and Mikaela were so excited to see all the presents that were left for them. 
We had our Christmas a few days before the actual day, because Justin, Carsten and Mommy were going to Utah for Christmas with Bonnie's family. We had a wonderful time with the kids, watching the joy on their faces as they opened their presents and played with their new toys. We still have our Thankful Tree up, and will do another one this year.